Put Your Pants On!

A Case Study in Why Married Men Live Longer

Seavah Bedrosian
7 min readFeb 22, 2022
A man’s bare legs, shown from roughly the knees down.
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

My husband was up early this morning and about to head off to work when I glanced over and, in the dim light, realized he wasn’t wearing pants.

“Are you in your underwear?”

He looked down as if to check. “Yes.”

I try to refrain from asking him “why?” on most occasions, because he does usually have a brilliant reason that’s inscrutable on first consideration. But perhaps because I was still half asleep, this time I bit. But his explanation only compounded my confusion.

“Because it’s below zero out there,” he said.

I’m sure I squinted at him like he was crazy. So he continued, “My wife [that’s me!] has a rule that if it’s below freezing, I have to wear tall socks, and if it’s in the teens or colder, I also have to wear pants.”


“They’re downstairs.”

Ohhhhh. Okay, now it was all starting to make sense. And I was really touched that he was doing what I’d “ordered.” I don’t like to tell him what to do (no, really), but I’m convinced that women help their men live longer this way.

This particular “rule” came about as a result of the pandemic. My husband has always worn shorts out in…



Seavah Bedrosian

Wife, mother, writer, aficionado of life. I write about physical and mental health, relationships, ADHD, neurodiversity, and random interests.